Water, Glass & Cork
We are becoming more and more aware that water is the essential life-giving liquid and that it should become our basic drink. We usually focus only on its quantity as the mantra that an adult person should daily drink between 2 and 2.5L of water is already generally known.
Yet, we do not consider its quality enough. We obviously want to drink pristine water but in doing so we accept everything above the officially set standard to be of the same quality.
The quality of water is also influenced by the materials used for bottles and glasses from which we drink. Various types of plastics are controversial and problematic mostly because they release unwanted or even harmful substances into water – e.g. endocrine disruptors or antimony.
Glass is an inert material that does not release anything into the water. No undesirable substances nor flavours. Moreover, it is much more sustainable than plastic, as it can be infinitely recycled into products of equal quality.